Celebrating Keisha W.: Most Overtime Hours

This year, travelers all across the country have had to work longer hours in tougher conditions to help provide their patients with the level of care they required. This passion for helping others saw many travelers putting in a lot of overtime work, including our own Keisha W., who worked an astounding 628 overtime hours while on assignment this year! Keisha was interested in travelling before she had gotten her RN, but wasn’t sure how having to travel for work would go. After doing her research on which agency had the best support and resources for travelers, Keisha decided to travel with TNAA!
While dedicating so much of one’s time to helping others is rewarding, it can also be very taxing. That’s why Keisha says she tries to take as much “me time” as she can. This lets her rest, recharge, and regroup to get back out there and care for her patients. Keisha also recommends that other travelers do the same, especially those who have been working more than usual due to this year’s circumstances. It’s important for travelers to be kind to themselves and not push themselves too hard. Good self-care is key for avoiding burnout and keeping one’s stress in-check.
Keisha’s most memorable assignment has been this year when she was working in California during the pandemic. California was one of the first states to be seriously impacted by COVID-19, and the new experiences and challenges it brought are some that Keisha will never forget. Indeed, this year has presented a lot of unique challenges, and for Keisha, it was hard being 3000 miles away from her family and not being able to regularly fly back home like she could before. To deal with this, Keisha made use of things like FaceTime much more often, and traveled home when it was safe and possible to do so.
Despite already dedicating so much of her time to helping others during such a tough year, Keisha has no plans of slowing down. Rather, she’s looking forward to next year where she plans to help more people in new cities and make new memories with traveler friends, and we’re looking forward to helping her do so!
Click the video below to see us celebrating Keisha’s passion for her career calling, and surprising her with a Spa Day she deserves: